Playing tops update

28 Apr 2021 by Hayley Koster

Thanks for your patience tonight everyone. If for whatever reason you missed out on a playing top tonight there will be a variety of sizes available at Saturday game for the Mini Roo’s. U12’s will have some spares available on Sunday. U14’s tops will be at the game to be handed out on Sunday.
If you need new shorts and socks Hayley will be at the shed @ Thompson Reserve Friday night from 5.15 – 6.15pm. Shorts $20 Socks $10

Also just a reminder that we are a community club fully run by volunteers. We did not have any volunteers for the Merchandise Officer role this year which means the already stretched committee has had to manage this as best they can. Many hands make light work and we will be looking for parents and players to put their hand up as the season continues to fill roles such a ground set up, canteen and general committee representation.

It looks like it’s going to be a great weekend for Soccer and we wish all of our Stars the best in their first games for the season.

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