
by Vaughan Gleeson
Posted: almost 9 years ago
Updated: almost 9 years ago by Vaughan Gleeson
Visible to: public

Time zone: Melbourne
Reminder: Starting time
Ends: 06:30pm (duration is about 2 hours)

SAP TRIAL DATES 9-12 yo Boys & Girls

After three successful programs the nationally accredited “Skills Acquisition Program” (SAP) will continue for South Gippsland players and coaches in season 2016.

South Gippsland Trial Dates have been set and further information will be sent soon. Participants cannot register yet, this information will be sent shortly. The program is open for both boys and girls and exact age groups will be communicated (9 to 12 years of age).

Trial Dates
Wednesday 16th March 5pm to 6.30pm (Wonthaggi)
Saturday 19th March 10am to 11.30pm (Leongatha)
*Venues to be confirmed.

What is SAP?
A key aspect of the Football Federation Australia National Curriculum is the implementation of a Skills Acquisition Program to perfect and accelerate the skill development of identified players at the critical ages of 9 to 12.

Inverloch Stars players interested in trialing should contact Vaughan Gleeson or 0418 418 406 for further information.